Sunday 12 April 2009

Walk to work

I still enjoy the walk to work, every day. Of course, it helps that it has always so far been a glorious morning with warm weather. But more than that, the sights and sounds are the highlight really. Walking past the nice doormen / security guards (allegedly!), the grassy knoll near the Sheikh building is a funny one; full of litter and rubbish. It is really sad. Amidst the rubbish, literally, though, is an amazing sight; father and son with various magazines on the grass and for sale. There is something just unbelievably amazing about that. They are really nice too (he is very well-read, clearly, and insists on speaking English to me). The athletics stadium is next on the left, with the well-kept 400m track and 1 stand. Depending on when I go to work, sometimes the kids have arrived at the nursery and are singing/chanting some songs (no clue what they are!). Pass Pizza House and people enjoying their garoto and fresh pao... past the nice old man who polishes shoes (10 mets; one of the few things still not exorbitant in px here). Then left onto Salvador Allende, the tree-lined street; plenty of nice 4x4s driving up and down, as well as the odd Learner driver. Passed the General Hospital and the Medical School, with its tasty lunches; Clinton Office on the corner of Emilio Dausse. Still haven't found out who that is! It's a grid system, a la Manhattan, albeit with names of Communists and/or famous African leaders replacing Streets and Avenues. A few more 'blocks' to the MISAU (Ministerio de Saude), the massive and imposing building on the corner of Edouarde Mondlane. Really interesting and a great way to kick off the working day.

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