Sunday 12 April 2009

From the rooftops shout it out...

... baby I'm ready to go. Remember the old Eircell ads for Pay As You Go when that first came out?

I have a PAYG phone here (I think all mCel phones are) but that's not what this post is about.

Brian and I had a really interesting experience when we came home and suddenly the electricity conked out. We realised we hadn't topped up the PAYG Electricity! So off we went to the store, handed over cash, got the 15 digit code or whatever, and came home... lo and behold, let there be light.

It left me feeling in a bit of a dichotomy. If it wasn't for direct debit, we (and most others) would have an awful credit rating as we would forget to pay our bills. Ergo, Direct Debit is a God-send.

BUT this pay as you go malarky has made me realise just how much more in control you are about how much money you spend.......

I know it seems there aren't enough hours in the day to look after all bills (for most people). But I wonder what removing Direct Debit could be useful advice for those wishing to really get a grip of their finances? Maybe I should submit this to the Debt Advice Bureau? (Or maybe they already suggest this?!)

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