Sunday 12 April 2009

Land battles

Why are humans so obssessed with owning land? Battles for independence for colonies... land-ownership is critical... just finished Obama's Dreams from My Father and I noted his grandfather's (Hussein's) steps taken around land ownership... even this frikkin credit crunch is all about land (aka property) ownership.

I would like to think more about how all this fits into the capitalism-communism continuum too... it was interesting to talk to the owners of Praia do Sol in Bilene (Val & Arnold) to hear about how the government makes it very difficult for land to be bought by, say, South Africans, who wanted a holiday home. This has kept prices even along the beautiful Indian Ocean coast (and Bilene lagoon) very contained.

12-24 months ago, this would have seemed preposterous, but now doesn't it actually seem quite sensible?

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